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You ask time and time again about health benefits of tea.....

Simply, TEA is nature at its best. Well-designed by nature, not humans, to provide many medicinal benefits with an abundance of aromas and tastes. Tea and Coffee are popular social beverages.  However, Tea wins the popularity contest and is the world's most consumed beverage behind water.  “Yeah sorry coffee” 

Black TEA & Yuzu Gin Collins

The first of three delicious TEA cocktails from Rhonda Withers @the_margarita_mum    This recipe uses the very popular Australian Black TEA & Yuzu

Green TEA & Pitaya Jalapeno Margarita

Third tea drink from Rhonda Withers @the_margarita_mum and another classic.  While red dragon fruit is mainly regarded as an Asian fruit, it originates from South America and is called PITAYA. 

White TEA & Calamansi Tropical Cooler

The second offering from Rhonda Withers @the_margarita_mum.  White TEA and Calamansi brings the grassy/straw notes in this tea drink. 

Green TEA Watermelon Mocktail

We invited Natalie Battaglia @themindfulmocktail to create a delicious tea drink for International Tea Day 2023.  Green Tea Watermelon Mocktail is likely to become a timeless classic

How is TEA made?

White Tea, Green Tea and Black Tea. What is with the tea colours?  Outside of East Asia, the main tea categories are white, green, yellow, oolong, black tea and dark tea named after the colour of the dried tea leaves.  As you can expect, the quirky nature that is the tea industry adds confusion to this simple colour reference. You can chalk that up to thousands of years of tea history across multiple countries. 

Curious about TEA?

Spend 5 minutes with East Forged’s Co-founders and resident tea specialists, Tania Stacey and Kym Cooper, and you’ll instantly level up your tea game.   In our introductory tea guide we have answers to all of those frequently asked questions about the humble tea plant and by the end we hope to have sparked your curiosiTEA. 

Let's chat about sweeteners and sugar

Iced Tea may have carried a ‘health halo’ in the past but today’s consumers are starting to get savvy at interpreting back of pack. Sadly, Iced Tea today carries a very poor health image, and most consumers stay clear putting it in the bucket of soft drinks.

Why does cold brew iced tea taste the best?

Our Co-founders, Tania & Kym, have worked with brewing hot and cold tea for over a decade. After countless cups of teas and cold brew experiments you learn a thing or 2 about how to get the most out of your tea leaves. They have spent a lot of time comparing notes of different brewing techniques and the impact on taste.

Spiked and Spiced Cold Toddy

We are not ones to play in the kitchen in a conventional way! Today we are flipping the classic seasonal Hot Toddy on its head with a refreshing twist on a classic. This one is spiked and spiced perfect for social occasions involving board games and chats solving the problems of the world ;)

Behind the scenes of the Japanese Tea Industry

Find out a little more about the special green leaved tea we selected to cold brew for East Forged from the creator himself - Natsumi. Also learn a little about the strict tea training in Japan and the why behind the Osaden tea company.

Outdoor Isolation - Jo Rodway

A while back East Forged was part of subscription box with a difference - Outdoor Isolation, Australia's first adventure subscription box.  After having a chat with the founder, Jo Rodway, we knew we had to have a chat with her and her inspos in life.  Enjoy! 
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